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The Buckblog

assorted ramblings by Jamis Buck

Unit vs. Functional vs. Integration

30 January 2007 — 3-minute read

Unit tests. Functional tests. Integration tests. Rails draws a lot of circles around your tests, and it does a good job (in general) of helping you know what kinds of tests belong in each, but there are still some gray areas (and areas that I think it categorizes incorrectly).

For example: when do you use a functional test, and when do you use an integration test? Googling will point you at a variety different opinions, but here’s my take on it.

Unit tests are for testing models and pseudo-models. Basically, they are the simplest of your tests, exercising very specific functionality. Rails also throws your ActionMailer tests in this group, but I think that’s wrong. ActionMailer objects are more like controllers than like models, so I generally move my mailer tests to the functionals.

Functional tests bypass a lot of the start-up processes of Rails: they don’t try to recognize any routes, they ignore your instructions regarding your sessions, and they don’t do any request parsing. They depend heavily on the TestRequest and TestResponse classes, which stub out much of the basic functionality of the request and response objects.

As a result, functional tests are fast (since they skip so much initialization), and they are excellent at testing the meat of your controllers. However, because they require you to explicitly instantiate the controller you want to test (take a look at the setup method that Rails generates for you), they are harder to use in cross-controller scenarios. Also, if you want to make sure your routes are processed by the correct controllers and actions, functional tests don’t make that very easy, either.

Integration tests, on the other hand, test the entire Rails stack. Each request in an integration test mimics a real web request and exercises routing recognition, actually parses incoming requests, uses real sessions, and so forth. As a result, integration tests are significantly slower than functional tests, but they are excellent at testing cross-controller stories. Want to make sure the flash you set in the “create” action is being properly displayed in the “index” action? Sounds like you need an integration test. You can even use integration tests to exercise entire stories: “user logs in, views the catalog, views a product, adds it to their cart, checks out, enters credit card, submits payment, sees invoice.”

Integration tests are also good for grouping a bunch of related tests that cut across controllers, like permissions and access control. Even though each individual test might only test a single controller, each one is testing a different controller, and rather than have all your access control tests spread across several files in the “functional” directory, it is more convenient (and maintainable) to group them into a single integration test suite.

Naturally, your application may have some classes that don’t fit cleanly into any of the above three categories. What about a service that runs via cron? What about code that processes incoming emails? As a rule of thumb, if your test focuses on very specific functionality and tests only a single model, put it in the “unit” directory. If it tests something that depends on your models (like a controller, mailer, or other service), put it in the “functional” directory. And if you are testing something that cuts across multiple controllers or services, or if you want to aggregate tests across multiple controllers, then those belong in an integration test.

Reader Comments

Thanks for the post Jamis. I’m glad you’re writing about this topic. One question: what’s a pseudo-model?


A pseudo-model is a class that encapsulates some kind of business logic, but which has no corresponding table in the database. Not every application will use pseudo-models.

Here’s a concrete example: suppose you need to accept credit cards for one-off payment processing. You don’t want to store the CC (because that opens an entire can of worms), you just want to accept it, use it to process a payment, and then discard it.

One approach is to create a “CreditCard” model, which does not inherit from ActiveRecord::Base. You add the methods to the CreditCard class that will capture payments and so forth. You can even mimic some of the basic validations that Rails provides, for transparency. The class is kind of a model, but not really (in the Rails sense) because it doesn’t persist in the database.

That’s what I mean by “pseudo-model”.

What can you suggest as a good resource for writing effective test cases for Rails apps? I’ve been doing Rails development for about 16 months, but I’ve always struggled with testing. I want to do more; I would like to see some concrete docs and examples of how to write them.

Any suggestions?



Thanks for the explanation. I didn’t have my “Rails sense” in tune … to me, a model is an object that encapsulates business logic, but I agree that in the Rails world, a model is more often assumed to be an Active Record.

There’s another level of testing, though it’s not really Rails specific – acceptance or “black box” testing where the final answer is evaluated. This is especially important when working in the science / engineering field.

I’m really impressed with the testing mechanisms in Rails and is one of the big reasons we have switched to it.

I’m struggling most with the overlap of unit and functional tests. Since functional tests also test models, what would you do in the case of a signup form per say? You need to validate the format of a username, password, and email address. Would you put that in a unit test or functional or both?

Keith, I’m not sure what to recommend. I’m all self-taught, which means I’m also probably chock full of bad habits, otherwise I’d be blogging more about the specifics of testing your Rails apps. :)

Matt, consider it a matter of granularity. If you are testing validations, those can be tested independently of a web request, and should maybe be tested in a unit test. However, if you want to test the side-effects of a failed validation (e.g., a notification in the flash, a redirect to some page, etc.), those would be tested in the functional test. In general, you can also think of this in terms of coverage. You want your tests to exercise as much of your code as possible. Tests that are specifically designed to exercise the code in your models should go in unit tests. Tests that are designed to exercise the code in your controller’s filters and actions should go in functional tests. Naturally, because your controllers depend on models, functional tests will also exercise your model code, but that’s a side effect, not a primary objective.

Jamis, I’m currently of the Pragmatic’s Agile Rails mindset when it comes to testing ActionMailer. I think it’s good for unit AND functional tests.

Use the unit test to make sure the content, recipients, subject, etc. are generated properly. And use the functional test to make sure the event of sending the email occurs when it should.

Thanks for the post, I’ve been doing Unit Testing and Functional Testing for my models/controllers never really “get into” Integration Testing. This post clears things up

Have a nice day :)

Thanks for this post. As usual, geat writing. For the model/not-model/service/etc. distinction I can highly recommend the book Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans. It’s one of, if not the best book dealing with domain models.

I’ve said this many times before, but Rails’ take on testing terminology is simply wrong and completely out of whack with the rest of the testing world. Its probably late to change things now but I still try and make the point whenever I can.

Whilst what Jamis says is true of the Rails world, to the rest of the testing world the following is true:

A unit test is a test that tests your objects in isolation. It is not a “model” test – you should have unit tests for any code you are writing whether its part of your model layer or its not. Persistance is besides the point) or your controller, or a standalone lib, service layer etc. A small note – the term “pseudo-model” is a new one to me. Model is simply short for domain model and is a software model of your business logic – it is not simply “objects that are persisted to the database”. Your model will often consist of persisted entities (AR objects in Rails), value objects and many other things. I second the recommendation of Domain Driven Design from the above poster.

Strictly speaking a proper unit test should not hit the network, database or the file system – that is, unit tests should be isolated and not depend on resources which may or may not be available or may slow the tests down (unit tests should be as fast as possible as you want to be running them all of the time). Avoiding the database is hard whenever you use the ActiveRecord pattern (as Rails does) as there is a natural coupling between the persistance layer and your business objects however you can still try and avoid hitting the database by stubbing data access methods. Networks and file systems can be avoided by using mocks and stubs.

Also, for those who prefer interaction-based testing over state-based testing, it is common to pass around mocks in place of other objects in your system to focus on the behaviour of the class under test and its interaction with the supplied object/mock. This is because it is assumed that the object it is using “works” (and should be covered by its own unit tests).

Here are some good articles relating to unit tests:

(in fact there are loads of great articles on Jay’s blog).

Finally its worth noting that I see a lot of Rails code with fairly meaningless tests – you know the kind of thing – the tests that save a record then check that the count has increased and other silly things like that. You should only be writing unit tests for code that you have written yourself (which should be second-nature if you practice TDD) – Rails ships with its own comprehensive suite of unit tests for its built-functionality – there is no point in replicating this. Given the simplest Rails model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end

There is no need to write any unit tests for the above because the behaviour of the User class is inherited from the already tested ActiveRecord::Base. Once you start adding your own code to the class, its time to start writing tests!

Next up – functional tests. Somebody above mentions another type of test – acceptance tests. Whilst acceptance testing can have broader implications, acceptance and functional testing are terms that are usually used to mean the same thing – certainly in eXtreme Programming. Acceptance or functional testing is end to end testing of your app’s functionality (somewhat similar to what Rails calls integration tests). In the case of web apps this would usually be browser-based tests of different scenarios, automated using something like Watir or Selenium.

For libraries or other such code, acceptance/functional tests would usually consist of different usages and scenarios of the library – it tests the expected functionality of your code at a higher level than your unit tests. They are less concerned with the lower-level details of your code. A fully functional app or library (according to spec) should have a 100% pass rate for functional tests. A newly started app/library should have 0%. Unit tests however, should ideally always be at 100% (certainly by the time they are checked in anyway!).

Here is some info on acceptance tests from the XP website:

So that leaves the concept of integration tests. Rails uses the term for proper acceptance/functional testing. In reality, integration tests simply mean taking individual units and testing they integrate with other components (that you have probably stubbed or mocked in the unit tests). Whilst this sounds like functional tests you are really just checking that different units work together properly or with third-party libraries or external resources. This is where you can test your library code against a database or a network, or with some third-party library you are using. As a result they will be a lot slower but thats ok, you don’t need to run them as often as unit tests.

So to sum up:

Unit tests – code tested in isolation from other objects and external resources. Functional/acceptance tests – tests the end-to-end functionality of your app as defined by user stories/use cases etc. Integration tests – tests integration of different individual units with eachother, third-parties and external resources.

Oh, and I can’t believe I got through that whole comment without mentioning RSpec (! It has a great emphasis on testing (sorry, writing specifications) for your codes behaviour and is somewhat independent of the level at which you write your specs (you could easily write “unit” specs and “functional” specs with it). It has a great mocking/stubbing library built in too.

Luke is right. But Rails is a bit different. Opinionated, I guess. As long as the tests do their job, I personally don’t care much. It’s just like normalization in RDBMS, sometimes you go a step back and de-normalize things out of practical reasons. But I agree, programmers should know the canonical way and know what’s different in Rails and why. I see plenty of stuff in Ruby/Rails discussed that has already been discussed and “best practice proofed” when Java popped up a couple of years ago. Kinda de-ja vu those days :)

Interesting about the unit/acceptance/functional testing distinction. I suppose we should rename the current directories to ‘model’, ‘controller’ and ‘stack’ to avoid polluting the terminology.

At the moment my rails/test/ directory contains subdirectories: unit, functional, integration, lib, daemons, performance and special. I’m not making any particular point, I just thought I’d mention it. Anyone stick anything else in there?

I use Test::Rails and have split my unit tests into three top level directories under test: models, controllers, views. I’ll admit that they aren’t exactly unit tests (hit the DB, etc) so using “models”, “controllers”, “views” doesn’t offend my testing-semantic sense too badly. (Which is why I didn’t place them under test/units/[models|views|controllers])

I also have integration and acceptance test directories.

Jamis, thanks for this post, I also never got into “integration” tests and I am looking forward to writing my first “integration” test !

Luke, thanks for your great article inside the comment! I also read your blog and appreciate your style. I was about to write more or less the same thing with a less good style (I am not a native english speaker!).

I think it could good to do a survey within the rails community in order to rename the folders test/unit to test/models, tests/functional to test/controllers and tests/integration to something else. As far as I am concerned, the word “integration” should be used only in a Continuous Integration context.

People such as Martin Fowler write excellent books and articles and pay a lof of attention to the words they use to describe abstract concepts. His best example is Mocks aren’t Stubs which clarifies a lot the definition of mock objects. These concepts and the Design Patterns are true whatever the language we use to implement them. Why does the Rails community would use a different vocabulary?

Rails is opinionated, it’s a good thing when it simplifies the configuration but it’s no so good when it creates confusion among developers new to testing (and there are a lot!!!).

How many rails beginners write fat controllers without any testing? We need an opinionated way (with generators) to write controller tests using a mock object framework to replace the model layer , this would help the beginners to understand the principle of decoupling the layers of an application.

Behaviour Driven Development parenthesis: I’d like to complement Luke’s comment on BDD by quoting test/spec, a BDD framework compatible with Test::Unit

At the end of the day, bdd style testing is a like speaking a different language: all assert_* methods have their should_* equivalent. I really don’t understand why the rspec developpers did not write a wrapper of Test::Unit? Why would the people intested by their excellent library would have to rewrite all their tests??? I am going to write an article about test/spec in my blog to create some debate ….

Jean-Michel 21croissants

I mostly agree with Luke’s comment but i’m getting a little bit confused. From what i know from various XP sources its a valid approach to skip the UI when writing functional tests. So i thought the functional tests in rails are in exactly that category since they start at the controller level where most of the application logic begins. The functional tests in rails interact with a test database, the view, ect. which is typical for a functional test where you want everything connected. Maybe the confusion and misinterpretation stems from the fact that they’re often called “controller tests”? (which they aren’t)

Please correct me if im wrong since im still relatively new to these XP terminologies.

One question that comes up in my mind is: When writing functional tests in this way where you’re skipping the UI and these functional tests already cover the controller parts very well, is there still a need for unit testing the controllers with the database mocked out? That seems to be superfluous. Maybe thats why these functional tests are called “controller tests”, too in rails? simply because they already cover this part in depth.

Now that im done writing this, im a little bit confused about these terms, too. Does anybody want to enlighten me? ;-)