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The Buckblog

assorted ramblings by Jamis Buck

Side Effects of Deferred Instantiation

22 April 2004 — 4-minute read

I spent yesterday evening tracking down a bug.

As I’ve mentioned in another article, my “Chump Change” financial manager will be web based, and it will take advantage of the Copland IoC framework that I created. Last night I came across an unforeseen side effect of one of Copland’s features.

First, let me temporarily digress and describe something of Chump Change’s architecture—it’s necessary in order to understand exactly what happened here.

Chump Change

First of all, Chump Change (I’ll just write it “CC”, subsequently) is built on top of the WEBrick web architecture. It is very much like the Java servlet framework, but for Ruby. Thus, the controller for the CC application (think MVC, here) is a WEBrick servlet.

This servlet “listens” for various exceptions and tries to display meaningful error messages to the client. For example, it is aware of time-out errors (and prompts the user to log in again), HTTP status errors (used to redirect the client to another page), and so forth. In the general case, it simply displays a special page that renders the stack trace and session contents to the client.

Because CC takes advantage of Copland, many of CC’s internals are implemented as services that are accessed via the Copland service registry. One of these services is a “page manager”, which keeps track of all of the different pages in the application. The CC servlet uses the page manager to determine which page to display based on the HTTP request path.

When the page manager is initialized, it reads through its configuration and loads every page class that it knows about. It will require any necessary files and then dynamically find a reference the class for each page.


Now, time for another digeression—you need to understand something about Copland.

Each Copland service implements one of several service models. These determine when and how a particular service gets instantiated. They range from simple (every request for the service returns a new instance), to singleton (every request returns the same instance), to threaded (every thread gets its own instance of a service). The default service model used in Copland is singleton deferred, which means that only one instance is ever created, but the instantiation is deferred until the first time a method is invoked on the service.

To accomplish this trick, Copland uses a proxy object, which will instantiate the service the first time a method of the service is invoked. The proxy then delegates all method calls to the service.

The Bug

Here’s what I was seeing. I’m not a perfect programmer (big surprise), so I make mistakes sometimes, often in the form of syntax errors. When these syntax errors occurred in a page class, the page manager would fail to load that class (since it would be unable to load that file). However, instead of seeing the “syntax error” message that I would expect to see (and did indeed see if the error was in any other source file), I saw a Copland error indicating that the specified page class could not be located. A related, but non-identical, error. So why wasn’t I seeing the more helpful syntax error?

After about 3 hours of tracking, it turned out to be this:

1. The PageManager service was using the singleton deferred model, since that was the default.

2. The servlet would get a reference to the PageManager. However, this was actually a reference to the deferring proxy, since the instantiation of the PageManager itself was deferred.

3. The servlet would invoke the get_page method on the PageManager, to get the page that was requested by the user. This would result in the proxy attempting to instantiate the PageManager.

4. The instantiation of the PageManager would fail, due to the syntax error inside of the file that was being required. This would raise an exception, which the servlet would catch.

5. Remember, the servlet was trying to handle all errors gracefully. So, it would see that an error was raised, and it would try to get a reference to the “error” page from the PageManager. However, the PageManager was never actually instantiated by the first call, so the proxy object would try to instantiate it, again.

6. This second instantiation would also be doomed to fail. However, the require would succeed this time (since Ruby always remembers when a file has been previously required, and will not try to require it again). Thus, processing would continue to the point where it tried to get a reference to the page class, and it would fail there, since the class was not defined.

7. A new exception would be raised, containing the “page class not found” error.

The Solution

Obviously, I needed a way to determine whether or not a proxy had instantiated its service yet. So I added one, and then in the rescue clause in the servlet I first check to see if the page manager proxy had instantiated the page manager yet. If it hadn’t, then there was some more critical error and I just dumped it to the log. (This class of errors won’t be pretty printed to the user.) Otherwise, I grabbed the error page from the page manager and rendered it.

It all works beautifully, now. However, it was a painful lesson: deferred instantiation of classes can have unexpected consequences!