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The Buckblog

assorted ramblings by Jamis Buck

Tapping ActiveRecord Relations

23 April 2016 — A technique is demonstrated, calling Object#tap to reuse an ActiveRecord relation instance in order to accomplish more than one task — 2-minute read

(Yes, I know I said I was probably not going to write here anymore, but while I like Medium for long-form articles, it didn’t quite fit the bill for posts that wanted syntax highlighting. Thus, I’ll probably continue to use the Buckblog for technical articles, and Medium for long-form.)

Not a lot of surprises in today’s post. I just wanted to share a convenient technique that I came across this week.

You’re all familiar with Object#tap, right? It’s terribly useful, in many situations. The example from the documentation is pretty good:

(1..10)              .tap {|x| puts "original: #{x.inspect}"}.
  to_a               .tap {|x| puts "array:    #{x.inspect}"}.
  select {|x| x%2==0}.tap {|x| puts "evens:    #{x.inspect}"}.
  map    {|x| x*x}   .tap {|x| puts "squares:  #{x.inspect}"}.

You’re also probably all familiar with ActiveRecord::Relation, at least indirectly. This is what is returned any time you query a model in ActiveRecord:

User.where("created_at > ?", Date.yesterday)
#-> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [...]>

These relation objects allow query operations to be chained together (which you probably also already knew):

q = User.where("created_at > ?", Date.yesterday)
#-> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [...]>
q = q.limit(5)
#-> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [...]>
q = q.order(:name)
#-> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [...]>

I’ve taken advantage of both Object#tap and the chaining of Relation instances, numerous times, but I don’t think I’ve ever done them together. Recently, though, I saw it done, something like this:

updated_ids = []

Composition.where(author_id: old_id).tap do |relation|
  relation.update_all(author_id: new_id)

p updated_ids.uniq

Here, the code collects the ids (updated_ids) of all records that are affected by merging one author (old_id) into another author (new_id). The #tap block just yields the relation, appends the ids of all matching records to the array, and then updates all matching records.

(Warning! This particular implementation has a race condition, and is not particularly efficient. A better way would be to use UPDATE with RETURNING to fetch the updated ids, thus keeping the operation atomic, and efficient. This was just a novel application of ActiveRecord::Relation with Object#tap…)

I love this about writing software. No matter how familiar you become with the toolbox you’ve been given, someone always manages to combine those tools in ways you wouldn’t have considered.