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The Buckblog

assorted ramblings by Jamis Buck

Beyond Rails with SwitchTower

24 January 2006 — 1-minute read

Things are getting serious, now. I’m going to be co-authoring a book with Aaron Huslage, tenatively titled “Beyond Rails with SwitchTower”, to be published by Addison-Wesley. It’s the newest kid on the book-block, and (as far as I know) the first to be solely dedicated to SwitchTower.

Exciting stuff!

Reader Comments

Great! I'll be your first customer!
Just out of curiosity, why didn't you use the Pragmatic Programmers?
John, mostly because Aaron had already been in negotiations with Addison-Wesley when he came to me asking if I wanted to co-author. It was definitely not because of any disatisfaction with the pragprogs. I certainly would love to write a book for them someday.
Jamis - excellent work on SwitchTower. Even though it is a little tedious to migrate existing applications, it pays dividends when managing production-level sites.
w00t ! congrats Jamis !
Is it done yet? :)


I couldn’t find details about your book on the addisson-wesley page. Do you have any news for us about your book? When will it be published, what will come in, etc.

Cheers, derkaan